Night Wising: In Retrospect, Find Your Courage.


Dreamcatcher catch my dreams at night
So that I may have peace at mornings light
So that all of my fears are laid to rest
And I can give life my very best

Dreamcatcher please catch my dreams at night
So I can wake up and do what’s right
So I can press on in a victimless state
And not be pinned down by this pessimistic weight

Dreamcatcher will you catch my dreams at night
So that my shortcomings will stay out of sight
So that I am mentally prepared to face the day
And drown out the negative voices in my way

Dreamcatcher why won’t you catch my dreams at night
So that the reflection of my nightmares are not so bright
So that I am not alone and slowly sinking
Tossing and turning from this deep, dark, thinking… (kg)

silhouette of girl during evening

Photo by luizclas on

It takes courage to fail. How many times have you heard that? Have you ever heard that? Sometimes we let the fear of failing keep us from pursuing our aspirations and goals. We contemplate on all the things that could go wrong instead of being optimistic of what could go right. “What if they are not feeling what I have to say, what if no one cares about my vision? What if I fall flat on my face?” So what! Dust yourself and get back up and give it another go. It takes courage to face your fears, regardless of what anyone else thinks. Courage is going beyond the conversation of doubt with yourself and acting on your ambitions regardless of what the masses may say. It is your vision, make them believers. You must build the courage to go after what you want and sometimes the outcome may be failure. Will you give up and call it quits?

Failure is not the end. Failure is the important part of building your foundation. It showcases your strength, your determination. In some cases, failing is the beginning of what makes you successful. So take the experience and learn from it while continuing to follow your dreams. Rome wasn’t built in a day, you think they didn’t fail a few times before getting it right? Courage is what motivated Harriet Tubman to come back and save others after she escaped. You think she did not fail a few times before gaining her own freedom? So again, it takes courage to fail. That is with anything you do, in every aspect of your life. It is impossible to know what you are capable of without falling a few times. I guess what I am trying to say is to simply trust the process.

I am not a motivator, nor do I have life figured out by no means. I am just a part of the common folk, not important to the world, but imperative to the change that moves the world and makes it a brighter place to coexist. We all are. Until next time, keep your spirits limited, keep moving forward, and look on the positive side. Make the best of your today like tomorrow does not exist.