New Season

Photo by Godisable Jacob on

It does not matter what you spilled tears over yesterday.  Spilled milk cannot go back into the carton. It is a new day. You have got a clean start. The decisions and choices you have made in past seasons do not define who you are, only rerouted your path to the same intended destination. Whether you know it or not, you my friend are destined for great things.  Whether you believe it or not, you are capable of accomplishing your goals. Do not let your pace deter you from finishing your race.  Do not mistake it, things are going according to plan.  You have a gift use it.  Stop measuring your life by others standards.  It is bigger than that.  You are bigger than that.  Look at it from this perspective,  some may be given keys to the city based on who they know, some may work hard and earn keys to the city, based on who they know, some will never be given keys to the city no matter how hard they work or regardless of who they know. What you also have to realize is that, there are some that were intended to build the city and create the master keys… Do not limit yourself by waiting for someone to give you a key that you were never intended to receive. Remember your purpose. You are a builder of cities! Do not take the gifts you have lightly.   So a quick recapitulation… Today you have stepped into a new season of your life. Now let’s get on with it and make it the start of something great.  

Clarity In The Moment

Photo by Jordan Benton on

  Today, I know there are a bunch of serious issues going on in the world that we coexist in.  Social injustices, inequality, political madness, police brutality, poverty, a world pandemic, and a list of other grievances.  Things we cannot avoid the moment we step out our doors, turn on our televisions, radios, scroll through our social media feeds or tune into on our favorite podcasts. It’s everywhere you turn and with that burden, recently I have found myself trapped between a hypothetically reality versus the true reality.   I have been searching, seeking some type of solace in a world full of so much adversity, and heartache, and allowed myself to become overwhelmed and silenced for a spell.  I apologize for the lack of communication. More often than not, as cliché as it sounds I have found myself wishing for a place where time seems to stand still to just grab a moment of clarity. But…. In this moment, I don’t want to focus on any of the world’s woes.

      It is so easy to get lost in the miseries of the world that we forget to enjoy the blessings from the world.  Time is not going to stand still for a moment of clarity.  Time is a universal concept.  It’s the one thing that we all have in common and neither one of us can control. Life is too short to harp on things that will only change with time. So we have to find clarity in the moments we are blessed with now. In this moment I choose to encourage and inspire others.   I assure you, you are not alone  with whatever you are going through. We will find the balance of life together. I may not know you personally or even have walked your path, but I still wish the best for you in all your endeavors and pray that you have a prosperous day. 

Common Denominator is….


young ethnic woman pointing at camera

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on


Unless you are living under a rock,  it is kind of hard to not feel the weight of the world’s burdens. You just have to figure out how to maneuver around the things ‘you’ cannot control. It can be emotionally draining at times but MENTAL CHECK! Every day is not going to be sunny but ‘you’ have to learn how to shape your narrative. Stop underestimating the energy ‘you’ project onto the world and into the world. Everyone has a bad day now and then, but if you find yourself experiencing more of the now, reevaluate the energy you are projecting. How is your peace? If you cannot find peace within yourself, how can you expect to encounter peace with and from others? Remember ‘you’ are a beacon of light in the world. ‘You’ make the world go round. ‘You’ are the start of change. ‘You’ are the stop too your unhappiness. ‘You’ are a driving force of positivity if ‘you’ choose to be. Regardless of what is going on in the world around us, the power of ‘you’ is a tool that we all need to start utilize. Because ‘you’ is where it all starts.